Tuesday, March 15, 2011

FREE Parenting Webinar 3/17!

A blogging friend of mine, Heather from Living on Love and Cents, has partnered with Amy McCready, founder of Positive Parenting Solutions, to offer a FREE LIVE training webinar on Thursday, March 17th from 9-10 PM EASTERN Time/ 8 - 9 PM Central Time.

Amy is a mom and has formed strategies to help us all immediatly with our children.You may have seen Amy on The Rachel Ray Show or MSNBC and she has been on TODAY many times. Moms everywhere LOVE Amy and now Living on Love and Cents readers can get a LIVE and personal webinar with her.

This FREE Session is …Get Kids to Listen without Nagging, Reminding or Yelling.

Is that possible? YES it is! Amy McCready promises that we’ll walk away with concrete tools we can use the next day and see results. I know you'll be especially interested in learning the 5 R’s of Fair and Effective Consequences.
I recently started using some of Amy's strategies in our home with my 1 and 4 year old and I have been VERY pleased with the results! I have learned disipline techniques that work. Also I have learned WHY KIDS REALLY misbehave! I have learned so much already and that is why I am THRILLED to bring you Amy's techniques for FREE! Amy is amazing and a great teacher. I love her and you will too!
This exciting Webinar is THURSDAY NIGHT March 17, 9-10 PM EASTERN Time .
She has reserved this time just for Living on Love and Cents readers! This is REALLY exciting! Webinar seating will be limited so learn more and RSVP now! You will be sent a reminder email that day so you will not forget. The RSVP is just to be sure you get the the details to log on quickly and correctly. I hope you will join me! It will be so much fun! I look forward to chatting and learning with you!
Please share this on your FACEBOOK page by clicking here. And RSVP HERE. I am so excited! Hope to see YOU there!

Thanks Heather!

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