Friday, June 3, 2011

Give Freely 6/1-6/7

Welcome to Give Freely!
One in five Americans deals daily with the issue of not having enough to eat. Many of those are children. As couponers, we have the unique opportunity to buy items at extremely reduced prices (or even free) to feed our families.
The goal is Give Freely is to present you each week with freebies or near freebies from your local grocery stores. Because these items are so inexpensive we are hoping that you will spend the extra few cents to pick up a spare item to donate to your community center, church, local food bank or shelter.
If you are a blogger who does deals for a supermarket not on this list and would be interested in participating, please send me an e-mail!
Please take this opportunity to help stop hunger in this country!

Here are the great deals this week:
County Market (for the complete list of deals click here)
Nissin Top Ramen 3 oz $0.20
Flavorite Pork & Beans 15 oz $0.50
Vegetables, (14.5-15.25 oz) Store Brand 14.5 oz $0.60

Dollar General (for a complete list of deals click here)
Oral B Cavity Defense or Indicator Toothbrush $1.50 each
-$1.50 off 2 Select Oral-B Products, exp. 5-31-11 (P&G 05/01/11)
=.75 each wyb 2 after coupon
Kraft BBQ Sauce $1 each
-$0.45/1 Kraft Barbecue Sauce, exp. 6-5-11 (SS 05/01/11)
=.55 each after coupon

Farm Fresh (for the complete list of deals click here)
Ragu Pasta Sauce - $1.49
-$0.50 for promo
$0.60/1 Ragu Pasta Sauce, exp. 6/19/11 (RP 05/22/11) I didn't get
FREE after coupon and promo
Ronzini Pasta's - $1.25
-$0.50 for promo
$1/1 Ronzoni Garden Delight Pasta, exp. 9/10/11 (SS 05/15/11)
Final: FREE after coupon and promo
Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna - $0.79
Red Pack Tomatoes 14.5oz - $0.69
Maruchan Instant Lunch Cups - $0.50

Food Lion (for the complete list of deals click here)
Duncan Hines Cake Mix (18.25 – 18.5 oz) $1.25
- FREE Duncan Hines Premium Cake or Brownie Mix wyb (2) Duncan Hines Products, exp. 9/5/11 (SS 06/05/11)
Final Price: $.83 each when you buy 3
Knorr Rice or Pasta Sides (3.8 – 6.4 oz) $1.00
- $0.50/2 Knorr Rice and Pasta Sides, exp. 06/19/11 (RP 05/22/11)
- $1/3 Knorr Rice and Pasta Sides, exp. 6/19/11 (RP 05/22/11)
Final Price: As low as $.67 each when you buy 3

Giant (for the complete list of deals click here)
Sweet Baby Ray's Barbecue Sauce, 18oz - $1.50
$1/1 Sweet Baby Ray's Barbecue Sauce, exp. 6-30-11 (SS 05/22/11)
$1/2 Sweet Baby Ray's Barbecue Sauce (SS 05/22/11)
$1/3 Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ Sauce, exp. 6-30-11 (SS 5/22/11)
Snyder's of Hanover Pretzels, All Varieties, 9-10 oz. bag - $2.50
$1/2 Snyder's of Hanover Pretzels, exp. 7-31-11 (Coca Cola 125 Years of Summer Fun)
$1/1 Snyder's of Hanover Flavored Pretzel Pieces, exp. 7-31-11 (SS 05/22/11)

Harris Teeter (for the complete list of deals click here)
Franks Red Hot $0.72
-$0.50 coupon HEREFinal=Free
Old Orchard Healthy Balance Juice $2.99
Buy 2, Get 3 Free
-$0.50 coupon HEREFinal=$0.19 each
Lawry’s Marinade $1.49
-$0.50 coupon from RP 5/15

Kroger (for the complete list of deals click here)
Ragú Pasta Sauce, Select Varieties, 16-24 oz - $1.67
$0.60/1 Ragu Pasta Sauce, exp. 6-19-11 (RP 05/22/11)

Lowes (for the complete list of deals click here)
Lowes Foods Texas Style Biscuits 5/$3.00
Kraft Mac And Cheese Cups $.69
Lowe's Food Mac And Cheese $.50

Martins (for the complete list of deals click here)
Bar-S Jumbo Franks 10/$10
-$1/2 from 5/22 RP (Exp 7/3)
Final Price: $0.50 each!
San Giorgio Pasta 10/$10
-$1/2 Quick Cook from 4/10 SS
Final Price: $0.50 each

Meijer (for the complete list of deals click here)
Aunt Millie’s Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns, 4/$5
$0.55/1 Aunt Millie’s Hamburger or Hot Dog Buns, exp. 6-30-11 (RP 4/17/11)
$0.25 each after coupon
Wishbone Dressing, 3/$5
$1.50/2 Wish-Bone or Western Dressing, exp. 6-19-11 (RP 05/22/11)
$1/2 Wish-Bone or Western Dressing, exp. 6-19-11 (RP 05/22/11)
$0.50/1 Wish-Bone or Western Dressing, exp. 6-19-11 (RP 05/22/11)
As low as $0.67 each after coupon

Schnucks (for the complete list of deals click here)
Weber Marinade Mix [Sale 2 for $1]
- 1.12 oz. pkgSelected Varieties
$1/1 Weber Seasoning, Grinder or (2) Marinade Packets 3/27/2011 SS Insert (exp 5/31/2011)
Final Price: 2 FREE after coupon
Campbell's Pork & Beans [34¢]
- 11 oz. can

Shop N Save (for the complete list of deals click here)
Shopper's Value Tomato Sauce 8 oz $0.27
Shopper's Value Macaroni & Cheese 7.13 oz $0.37
Libby's Vegetables (11-15 oz) 11 oz $0.68
Geisha Mandarin Oranges 11 oz $0.83
Kraft Pasta Salad (6.4-7.3 oz) 6.4 oz $1.00

Weis (for the complete list of deals click here)
San Giorgio Pasta on sale 10 for $10 or $1 per box
32 oz Gatorade on sale 10 for $10 or $1 each
Starkist Chunk White Tuna on sale 10 for $10 or $1 each

Winn Dixie (for the complete list of deals click here)
Chef Boyardee can pasta - $1.00
B4G1 Chef Boyardee Canned Pasta All You April 2011 (exp 5/31/2011)
= $4 for 5
Hunt's Snack Pack Pudding - $1.00

Thanks A Frugal Chick for putting this together!

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